Written as private prayers or devotional exercises, Charles Spurgeon's book Christ Our All expresses his sorrows, hopes, and love for God with striking imagery and bold conviction. Access the eBook version of Spurgeon's Christ Our All for free during Midwestern Seminary's Called Month!


Resource Library

Dec 31

Links For The Church (1/1) by Staff

This week's links include resources on infertility, how to be generous, leading when you aren't the leader, and the gift of cancer. 

Dec 29

Identifying with Christ in Baptism by Kaitlyn Wright

The celebration for the individual is great, indeed, but the celebration is also meant for the church.

Dec 29

J.D. Greear on What Difficult Thing In Your Life Has Taught You The Most? by Staff

Series: Conversations

FTC.co asks J.D. Greear, Pastor of The Summit Church in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina, "What difficult thing in your life has taught you the most?"

Dec 28

What Expository Preaching Is Not by H.B. Charles Jr.

Fifteen myths about expository preaching that should be exposed to help the preacher rightly understand and faithfully practice expository preaching.

Dec 27

Living as In-Between People by Emily Jensen

God has a perfect track record of caring for his in-between people and carrying them to the finish line.

Dec 26

Daniel Darling on What Christians Should Do With the News by Daniel Darling

FTC.co asks Daniel Darling, VP for Communications at the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, "What should Christians do with the news?"

Dec 26

Welcoming God Into the Worship Gathering by Mike Leake

Why in the world would we tell the One who owns the place that He’s welcome there?

Dec 26

Obsolete All Over Again by Jared Musgrove

When words no longer mean anything, can men and women who live by the Word long endure?

Dec 25

Links For The Church (12/25) by Staff

This week's links include resources on all things Christmas: Jesus' care for our bodies, Mary as a role model, Christmas ghosts, and what Mary really did know. 

Dec 23

The 2017 FTC Book Awards by Staff

Introducing the first annual FTC Book Awards!
