Spurgeon’s Top 4 New Year’s Resolutions
Charles Spurgeon preached at least 14 sermons about the New Year in his 38 years at the Metropolitan Tabernacle. Though many themes arise in his comments, belief is as pervasive as any.
Putting Numbers In Their Place
When the over-emphasis of numbers starts to creep in I have to run to the Word of God.
Links For The Church (12/31)
This week's links include resources on everyday work, skipping resolutions, welcoming those with eating disorders, and when our waiting will be over.
A Destructive Daily Problem
Immeasurable hope and help await you as you learn to kill the diehard sins that plague you.
Don Whitney on Praying the Scriptures
Series: Conversations
How do I prevent praying the Scriptures from feeling formulaic?
The Primacy of the Master of Divinity Degree
Ministry is increasingly complex. We live in a zany world. The culture is imploding, ethical quandaries abound, our church members need, and will need, more from their ministers, not less.
The Goal and Purpose of Ministry Within the Local Church
It’s a tall order, but our job as the church is to help one another become like Christ in our thoughts, actions, and knowledge.
The Gospel and My Grandpa
To my grandpa, the gospel was the good news of rest.
Giving Up Our Rights
Are you slavishly protecting your Christian freedom to do everything that pleases you?