Patrick Schreiner on Why Christians Should Regularly Intake the Gospels asks Patrick Schreiner, associate professor of New Testament and biblical studies at Midwestern Seminary, “Why should Christians regularly intake the Gospels?”

Clint Pressley On Leading Big Change asks Clint Pressley, lead pastor of Hickory Grove Baptist Church in Charlotte, NC, “How do you lead big change in a church without blowing it up?”

Todd Chipman with Advice on Whether to Pursure Academic or Pastoral Ministry asks Dr. Todd Chipman, Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies at MBTS and pastor at the Master’s Community Church in Kansas City, “What advice would you give someone deciding between academic theology and pastoral ministry?”

Charles Smith on Whether All Christians Should Consider Themselves Leaders

Michael Kelley On Our Fear of The Boring

Elicia Horton on Longevity in Marriage

What is a key ingredient for longevity in marriage?

D.A. Horton on the Importance of Reaching College Students

Why should ministries concern themselves with reaching college students?

J.T. English on Theological Formation in the Church

What advice would you give pastors who are interested in starting theological formation in their church?

Matt Chandler on Advice for Evangelicals Exhausted by Division

What advice would you give to Christians who feel exhausted by the division and discourse in today’s Evangelicalism?

Dean Inserra on Longevity in Ministry

What is a key ingredient for longevity in ministry?