Noah Oldham on Considering Church Planting

What are some good questions someone should ask who is considering planting a church?

Jani Ortlund on Longevity in Marriage

What is a key ingredient for longevity in marriage?

Clint Pressley on Leadership Qualities for Gospel Centrality

We asked Clint Pressley, senior pastor of Hickory Grove Baptist Church in Charlotte, NC, “What leadership qualities are needed in transitioning a church to greater gospel-centrality?”

Afshin Ziafat on if Christians Think They’re Bad at Evangelism

Afshin Ziafat gives his advice to Cristians who simply feel they are terrible at evangelism.

Jared Bumpers on Pastors and Systematic Theology

Why should pastors care about systematic theology?

Dean Inserra on Staying in Ministry

What is a key ingredient for longevity in ministry?

Noah Oldham on the Pastor’s Physical Health

Why should pastors care about their physical health?

Jason Duesing on Adverbs in Theological Writing

In this video, talked with Dr. Jason Duesing on the role of adverbs in theological writing.

Thomas Kidd on Why Pastors Should Care about History

Why should pastors seek to study and understand history?

Mark Dever on Younger Generations

What encourages you about the younger generation?