Jeff Dodge on Effective Discipleship Processes Within Large Churches

What does an effective discipleship process look like in a large church?

Jen Wilkin on the Difference Between Grace and Permissiveness

How is grace different from permissiveness?

Matt Capps on Pastors Reading Philosophy

What kind of books should pastors read that they normally don’t?

Dean Inserra on Pastoral Burnout asked Dean Inserra, “What advice would you give to a pastor on the verge of burnout?”

Adam McClendon on Counseling Without Co-Dependency

How can a pastor effectively counsel someone without creating a co-dependency?

Clint Pressley on Building Camaraderie Among Church Staff Members asks Clint Pressley, Lead Pastor of Hickory Grove Baptist Church in Charlotte, NC, “What are some ways to build camaraderie among church staff?”

Jared Wilson on Thinking About the Sins of Our Church History Heroes asks Jared C. Wilson, Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry at Spurgeon College and Author in Residence at MBTS, “How should we think about the sins of our heroes from church history?”

Won Kwak on Identifying Future Leaders

In this video, we asked Won Kwak, pastor of Maranatha Grace Church in NJ, “How do you identify potential leaders in your church, especially in smaller churches?”

Matt Smethurst on Kindness as a Virtue

In this video, we asked Matt Smethurst, managing editor of The Gospel Coalition, why kindness is a virtue worth working to cultivate.

Paul Chitwood on Helpful Questions to Ask Someone Desiring to Go Overseas asks Paul Chitwood, president of the International Mission Board, “What are some helpful questions to ask if someone is sensing a call to go overseas?”