What does the gospel have to do with pastoral ministry? Is there a particular way to pastor that is gospel-centered? Sign up today for a free online conversation with Jared C. Wilson and Jared Bumpers to discuss gospel-centered ministry.



Jun 10

Unstoppable: Fuel for Service from Isaiah 40 by Davy Ellison

My wife, Tracy, and I had spent all day on a bus. We had just arrived in a rural town; we stepped off the bus into the pitch black; we weren’t completely sure which way we should be walking. But we could hear it. We didn’t know which direction the sound was coming from. We […]

Apr 6

A Reflection on “The Sower’s Song” by Andrew Peterson by Grace Pike

His nail-pierced hand will wipe every tear from the eyes of his Bride. Our redeemed bodies will stand in the presence of the Prince of Peace, delighting in His majesty as death dies. Then the Sower of every flourishing promise will dwell with us for all eternity.

Apr 12

If the Church Will Have Glory, It Must Come from God by Jared C. Wilson

American evangelicalism has emerged in the 21st century not as a prophetic witness but as a political action committee.

Dec 15

A Signaling Savior by Adam McClendon

Our present difficulties do not dismiss God’s future promises.

Sep 2

Truth and Shepherding by Jared C. Wilson

Series: 2015 For The Church Conference

Jared Wilson leads session five at the For The Church Conference on the Truth and Shepherding.

Aug 5

The Priest Has A Billion Jacobs Engraved On His Breastplate by Erik Raymond

Not only did Jesus endure such injustice from sinners but he did it for sinners.

Apr 24

Your Money is No Good Here by Jared C. Wilson

The deal is all of Christ for all your nothing.