Episode 308: Beauty
Wonder and awe of the beautiful is essential to the human experience. Our souls are often shaped and formed by the aesthetic experiences provided by the Creator. When we neglect this aspect of our lives, we fail to realize how God has created us uniquely to not only enjoy beauty, but to also create the beautiful. A distinctly Christian vision of these realities opens our eyes to see how God has enchanted our world to draw us toward Him, the source and substance of beauty, for a deeper experience of the Christian life. On this episode, Jared Wilson talks with pastor and author Matt Capps about his new book Drawn by Beauty and the place of awe and wonder in the Christian life. We even talk about Christian movies!

Episode 307: Mixing it Up on Student Ministry
Jared and Ross return to a past episode format — “mixing it up” — where they draw out the usual podcast banter to specific subjects. No agenda; no plan. Just a free-form conversation — this week, on student ministry.

Episode 306: Conspiracy Theories
JFK. 9/11. QAnon. Lizard people? This week, Jared Wilson and Ross Ferguson discuss conspiracy theories! Why do they attract? What’s the fascination? Are they all bunk? And how should Christians think about them?

Episode 305: FTC Mailbag
It’s a new mailbag installment of the podcast, where Jared and Ross answer listener-submitted questions. On this episode, the guys weigh in on: first steps for newly appointed lay elders, pastors running for political office, cultivating healthy desires in a church, “fencing the table,” navigating differences of opinion on alcohol, and more.

Episode 304: Glorification
On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson visits with Cedarville University’s Dr. Jason Alligood about his new book Raised in Splendor and about the hope of glorification in our secular age.

Episode 303: Endurance
The author of Hebrews says endurance produces proven character. How so? What is endurance? How do we get it? In this episode of the podcast, Jared and Ross talk about the relevance of endurance to ministry and the Christian life in general.

Episode 302: Megachurch vs. Microchurch
Sometimes small church folks are overly critical of big churches. Sometimes big church folks are uncharitable towards smaller churches. We’re here to settle the scores! Well, kind of. In this ep of the FTC Podcast, Jared and Ross discuss the pros and cons of big churches versus smaller churches and discuss ways we can encourage and think the best of each other.

“Lest We Drift”
Editor’s Note: The following excerpt is taken from Lest We Drift: Five Departure Dangers from the One True Gospel by Jared C. Wilson. Copyright © 2025 by Jared C. Wilson. Used by permission of Zondervan. www.harpercollinschristian.com Lest We Drift is now available wherever Christian books are sold. Theological drift is always a danger within evangelicalism. When Reformed evangelicals are […]

Episode 301: Gospel Drift
Hebrews 2:1 warns us to pay closer attention to what we have heard “lest we drift away from it.” In this episode of the podcast, Jared and Ross talk about the concept of gospel drift — what it is, what are the signs, and how to avoid it. Relevant to the discussion is Jared’s brand new book Lest We Drift: 5 Departure Dangers from the 1 True Gospel, now available from Zondervan Reflective wherever Christian books are sold.

Episode 300: FTC Mailbag
It’s Jared and Ross’s 100th episode together(!) and another installment in the FTC Mailbag feature, where they answer listener-submitted questions. This week’s topics include church membership processes, should pastors tithe?, the church in the Northeast, small groups, stewardship campaigns, using quotes in sermons, and resources on hospitality.