
Jun 26

Episode 269: Jen Wilkin on Revelation by Jared C. Wilson and Jen Wilkin

Revelation shouldn’t leave us fearful or confused, but its imagery and concepts often confound our modern ears. If all Scripture is God-breathed and profitable, though, we should assume Revelation is as accessible and helpful as any other book of the Bible. Teacher and author Jen Wilkin has written a new Bible study guiding readers through Revelation verse-by-verse to discover how the last book of the Bible is accessible, helpful, and speaks a steadying word of assurance and endurance to the church in every age. Wilkin joins Jared Wilson on this episode of the FTC Podcast to discuss.

Jun 19

Episode 268: FTC Mailbag by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

On this installment of the regular Mailbag feature of the FTC Podcast, Jared and Ross discuss the alleged pastor deficit, benevolence ministry, dealing with disqualified leaders in inter-church events, young adult Bible studies, should pastors attend Sunday School?, and more!

May 8

Episode 262: Awesome Moms of the Bible by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

In an episode in anticipation of Mother’s Day, Jared and Ross talk about their favorite biblical moms.

May 1

A Word of Hope: Reflecting on Luther’s Lectures on Genesis by Zachary M. Bowden

I teach church history as part of my profession. In doing so, I’ve discovered it to be exactly what my teachers described—a wonderful means of keeping the faith. Of the figures from our past who have helped me, Martin Luther stands at the top of the list, as he continually points me away from myself […]

Mar 28

Episode 7: Able to Teach by Jared C. Wilson and Ronnie Martin

Does every pastor need to be gifted in the pulpit? Does every pastor need to be an academic or a scholar? What does the biblical qualification of pastors that they be “able to teach” actually mean? Jared and Ronnie, two long-time preachers and teachers, have a straightforward conversation in this episode about the place of creativity and eloquence in preaching and teaching, the non-negotiable basics of the teaching qualification, pursuing clarity in our communication, and what it takes to “find your voice” as a teacher.

Sep 6

Episode 227: FTC Mailbag by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

It’s another Mailbag installment of the FTC Podcast. This time Jared and Ross discuss listener-submitted questions on patriotic worship services, difficult books of the Bible, communicating to a church a pastor’s transition, discipleship with and for the disabled, how to know when one is ready to take a lead pastorate, and more.

Dec 23

Patrick Schreiner on Why Christians Should Regularly Intake the Gospels by Patrick Schreiner asks Patrick Schreiner, associate professor of New Testament and biblical studies at Midwestern Seminary, “Why should Christians regularly intake the Gospels?”

Oct 20

How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament: Step 12––Practical Theology by Jason DeRouchie

Series: How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament

This is our final installment in this series, and it addresses step 12. Having exegeted the text and grasped God’s intended meaning, you as the interpreter now need to apply it to yourself, the church, and the world, stressing the centrality of Christ and the hope of the gospel. Such is the task of practical theology, by which we seek to live according to the biblical author’s intended effect.

Oct 10

Why I’ve (Mostly) Switched to the CSB by Jared C. Wilson

It’s a blessing from God that despite all of the church’s problems today, we have access to numerous good translations of God’s word. These are just some of the reasons I’ve made the switch to the CSB.

Sep 20

How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament–Step 11: Systematic Theology by Jason DeRouchie

Series: How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament

In the interpretive process, the stage considering Systematic Theology is asking more specifically, “How does our passage theologically cohere with the whole Bible?” Or, “How does our passage contribute to our understanding of certain doctrines?”