The Real Reason We Struggle to Pray?
Series: Growing in Prayer
A few weeks ago, my friend pulled me aside after our community group gathering. We had finished our discussion time with about 20 minutes of prayer together, and he was both challenged and encouraged. He said, “I’ve been a Christian for decades, but I’ve never learned to pray.” He continued, “I know I’m supposed to […]

Pastoral Ministry and Christian Progress
Series: Pastoral Ministry Collection
Our Struggle with Progress I’m coming up on two years in pastoral ministry. Although I’ve not spent much time in pastoral ministry, I’ve come to realize something—there is importance in progress. Waiting patiently for God to do His work in His people is more important than seeing someone change overnight. Looking for a quick fix […]

Praying Psalm 62 with Charles Spurgeon
Series: Growing in Prayer
“If God is real, I’m sure He’s too busy to care about the details of my life.” A friend said this to me years ago with exasperation and resignation in his voice. Perhaps you’ve heard some version of this yourself. Maybe you’ve even heard it inside the church. “You should only pray for really big […]

The Strategic Value of Pastoral Hospitality
Series: Pastoral Hospitality and the Health of the Local Church
Editor’s note: This article is the final entry of a four-part series. Access the full series here. In this final entry in this series, I wish to note the strategic value of pastoral hospitality for the contemporary local church. I suggest that the pastoral ministry of hospitality has excellent potential for improving the local church’s […]

The Pastor As Host
Series: Pastoral Hospitality and the Health of the Local Church
Editor’s note: This article is part three of a four-part series. Access the full series here. I suggested in the first entry in this series that a covenantal framework can be identified in the Lord’s hospitality in Exodus 24. Though Jesus’s hospitality to the eleven in John 21 does not have the same covenantal framework, […]

Leaders As Hosts
Series: Pastoral Hospitality and the Health of the Local Church
Editor’s note: This article is part two of a four-part series. Access the full series here. In the first post in this series, I noted that God is hospitable. The Lord’s hospitality to Moses and Israel’s leaders in Exodus 24 stops careful readers in their tracks. What a God! He is holy but personal. And […]

Episode 303: Endurance
The author of Hebrews says endurance produces proven character. How so? What is endurance? How do we get it? In this episode of the podcast, Jared and Ross talk about the relevance of endurance to ministry and the Christian life in general.

God’s Covenantal Hospitality
Series: Pastoral Hospitality and the Health of the Local Church
Editor’s note: This article is part one of a four-part series. Access the full series here. From Genesis to Revelation, God reveals Himself to be a host. The Garden of Eden can be viewed as God’s creative activity to host Adam and Eve as His vice-regents who manage the banquet hall of creation. God hosts […]

Episode 302: Megachurch vs. Microchurch
Sometimes small church folks are overly critical of big churches. Sometimes big church folks are uncharitable towards smaller churches. We’re here to settle the scores! Well, kind of. In this ep of the FTC Podcast, Jared and Ross discuss the pros and cons of big churches versus smaller churches and discuss ways we can encourage and think the best of each other.

Is Your Calling Causing an Identity Crisis?
If all else were stripped away—your career, your earthly relationships, your plans—your identity as a beloved child of God would still remain.