Episode 298: Grab Bag!
It’s another installment in the Grab Bag feature, where Jared Wilson and Ross Ferguson ask each other two surprise questions for off-the-cuff responses. Tune in and find out what we caught each other off guard about this week.

Postmodernism and the Gospel
Editor’s note: This article is part of a two-part series titled “How to Evangelize Postmodernists.” Part one is available here. How Should We Evaluate Postmodern Beliefs from a Christian Perspective? What is a faithful and biblical response to postmodernism? In this next section, we will overview some basic responses to postmodern beliefs. Then, in the […]

What Is Postmodernism?
Editor’s note: This article is part of a two-part series titled “How to Evangelize Postmodernists.” Part two is available here. A part of every effective evangelistic strategy is rightly understanding the beliefs of those you are seeking to evangelize. Knowing what your interlocuters believe and what makes them tick, so to speak, will help you […]

Episode 276: The Soul-Winning Church
You want your church to be reaching out with the gospel. Your sermons often include a call to evangelize. You’ve held evangelism training events. So . . . where are the conversions? Is your church actually reaching the lost? How do you become a genuinely soul-winning church? On today’s episode of the FTC Podcast, authors and ministers J.A. Medders and Doug Logan join Jared Wilson to talk about their new book The Soul-Winning Church and its six keys to fostering a genuine evangelistic culture in your church.

The Green Glass Door and The Gospel
When I played college baseball, we used to play games on the road to make the time go by faster. My games of choice were either Spades or riddle word games. My favorite riddle was “The Green Glass Door.” If you haven’t heard, it goes like this: There is a Green Glass Door. A goose […]

What the Christian Does
Editor’s Note: Excerpted with permission from The Great Commission: A Sermon Collection by Charles H. Spurgeon, edited by Jason K. Allen. Copyright 2024, B&H Publishing. Available now from B&H and wherever Christian books are sold. What the Christian Does[1] I will take it for granted that every believer here wants to be useful. If he […]

Preach, Preach, Preach Everywhere
Editor’s Note: Excerpted with permission from Preaching: A Sermon Collection by Charles H. Spurgeon, edited by Jason K. Allen. Copyright 2024, B&H Publishing. Available now from B&H and wherever Christian books are sold. Preach, Preach, Preach Everywhere[1] “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He […]

Prayer and Evangelism Reinforce One Another
Editor’s Note: The following excerpt is by Joe M. Allen III, published with permission from Before You Go: Wisdom From 10 Men on Serving Internationally, edited by Matthew Bennett and Joshua Bowman. Copyright 2024, B&H Publishing. Available now from B&H and wherever Christian books are sold. Prayer and evangelism go together like chocolate and peanut […]

Episode 198: Simple Evangelism
On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson and Ross Ferguson talk about some simple ways to approach evangelism without fear.

How to (Actually) Reach Your City for Christ
This is a story about how a really discouraging Easter led to one of the healthiest seasons in the life of our church.