Written as private prayers or devotional exercises, Charles Spurgeon's book Christ Our All expresses his sorrows, hopes, and love for God with striking imagery and bold conviction. Access the eBook version of Spurgeon's Christ Our All for free during Midwestern Seminary's Called Month!



Feb 10

The Necessity of Friendship by David McLemore

Series: Beholding and Becoming

Lewis is right. We don’t need friends. But his point is just the opposite: we actually do. Friends are the most wonderfully unnecessary necessity.

Oct 21

A Brief History of How Friendships Like Yours Can Change the World by Alex Diprima

What if more Christians began to view their friendships as stewardships from God? We should all actively look for opportunities to leverage our friendships for practical, kingdom-minded endeavors.

Sep 29

Episode 137: Scott Keith on Friendship by Jared C. Wilson

On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson and Scott Keith, Prof. of Theology at Concordia University, about the ins and outs of Christian friendship and Dr. Keith’s new collection of essays on the subject.

Aug 25

Losing Friends by Jaylenn Wong

New graces come with new friendships, and friendships of the past can shrink into the background so that God can shape and mold through new ones. 

Mar 24

Friendship Costs Considerably But Blesses Infinitely by Allyson Howell (Todd)

The blessing of friendship on this earth points to the eternal blessing of communion with God and His people forevermore.

Mar 24

Rejoice Together, Suffer Together, Repeat by Anne Kerhoulas

Sharing our suffering and weeping together is essential to community and worship.