Episode 303: Endurance
The author of Hebrews says endurance produces proven character. How so? What is endurance? How do we get it? In this episode of the podcast, Jared and Ross talk about the relevance of endurance to ministry and the Christian life in general.

Episode 301: Gospel Drift
Hebrews 2:1 warns us to pay closer attention to what we have heard “lest we drift away from it.” In this episode of the podcast, Jared and Ross talk about the concept of gospel drift — what it is, what are the signs, and how to avoid it. Relevant to the discussion is Jared’s brand new book Lest We Drift: 5 Departure Dangers from the 1 True Gospel, now available from Zondervan Reflective wherever Christian books are sold.

Episode 290: Gospel OG, Scotty Smith
On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared visits with Dr. Scotty Smith, one of the spiritual fathers of gospel-centrality, to talk about his early influences and ministry, pastoring early CCM artists, and how to stay focused on grace through decades of shifting cultural distractions.

Episode 256: What’s the Big Deal About the Resurrection?
On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson and Ross Ferguson talk about the ways some churches celebrate Easter that seem to have little to do with the resurrection of Jesus, how to re-embrace the power of the full message of the gospel, and why we sometimes drift into resurrection amnesia.

Episode 233: Rediscovering Prayer
Find it difficult to pray? Struggle with sluggishness or a wandering mind in your quiet times? You’re not alone. On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared and Ross talk about ways to reinvigorate our approach to prayer.

Are You Just in a Relationship with the Idea of Jesus?
Relating to the idea of Jesus can make you a smarter Christian, a nicer Christian, a more religious Christian, but it cannot make you a deeper, more joyful, or more authentically Christlike Christian.

Jesus is the Older Brother Who Does His Job
Jesus is the “true and better” older brother.

Above the Clouds, There is Sunshine
Series: Beholding and Becoming
Christians have a unique foundation for strength which has no rival. Christians can draw strength from the One with all strength, in whom there could be no true threat.

The Hierarchy of Self: From Alteration to Something New Altogether
In our modern quest for identity, whether we know it or not, we are inserting ourselves into this thought experiment. We wonder, if my interests, passions, gifts, body, or relationships change, am I still me? Our thought process leads us into such confusion we can come to believe we can lose ourselves if we are unable to pursue our long-held desires.

The Christian’s Confidence in Christ’s Compassion
The greatest example of the compassion of the Messiah came at the end of His earthly ministry. Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross for sinners is the culmination of His compassion, an action that allows Christians to be confident in their standing before God.