The Job Only You Can Do
In less than two years as a pastor’s wife, I missed one Christmas Eve service and both Easter Sundays. I didn’t volunteer for VBS, I neglected the church’s social media (which very much needed help), and I didn’t step in when the youth group needed a female leader. I had a master’s degree in theology, […]

The Missing Ingredient In Too Many Marriages: Joy
Like cupcakes that are missing sugar, there are too many Christian marriages that are missing a key ingredient. This missing ingredient in too many marriages doesn’t mean it’s not a marriage, just as a cupcake missing sugar doesn’t mean it’s not a cupcake. But neither “tastes” good. When we realize that what is at stake […]

Elicia Horton on Longevity in Marriage
What is a key ingredient for longevity in marriage?

Jani Ortlund on Longevity in Marriage
What is a key ingredient for longevity in marriage?

When “I” Becomes “We”
I pray whatever God is calling you to abandon for His sake, whatever desires you hold to tightly, whatever wants or preferences He asks you to change, you can offer them up to your trustworthy Father today.

Is Physical Abuse Biblical Grounds for Divorce?
It seems every week brings into the spotlight yet another church that has failed to carefully handle cases of abuse. This article is my careful attempt at answering a very common and sensitive question.

Five Ways to Balance Ministry and Marriage
For those who are in full-time ministry, spousal expectations must be addressed explicitly before resentment sinks in.

God Loves Your Desire for Marriage
So when you come to God asking for a spouse for the sixth time this week, God does not lecture you on how to steward your singleness well. He does not pause to listen only after reminding you how content you ought to be. He hears your prayers.

Dean Inserra On Healthy Marriages In Busy Seasons
Series: Conversations
How do you cultivate a healthy marriage in the midst of a busy ministry?

Trillia Newbell on Disappointment in Marriage
Series: Conversations
What advice do you have for the wife who is disappointed with her husband?