What does the gospel have to do with pastoral ministry? Is there a particular way to pastor that is gospel-centered? Sign up today for a free online conversation with Jared C. Wilson and Jared Bumpers to discuss gospel-centered ministry.



Feb 25

Praying Psalm 62 with Charles Spurgeon by Jeremy Linneman

Series: Growing in Prayer

“If God is real, I’m sure He’s too busy to care about the details of my life.” A friend said this to me years ago with exasperation and resignation in his voice. Perhaps you’ve heard some version of this yourself. Maybe you’ve even heard it inside the church. “You should only pray for really big […]

Oct 10

Episode 2: Prayer by Jared C. Wilson and Ronnie Martin

The first wisdom practice to explore is prayer. But why do pastors often find it so difficult to practice? And why is it so vital? What are some practical ways to think about prayer so that it comes from a place of delight over duty? In this episode Jared Wilson and Ronnie Martin discuss the crucial rhythm of prayer in the life of the pastor.

Jul 15

Prayer, A Sweet Communion by Drake Burrows

The Beginning of Prayer In the beginning, God breathed His breath into humanity. According to both Moses and Paul, this breath (or Spirit) caused Adam and Eve to be living souls (see Gen 1:7; 1 Cor 15:45). What does it mean to be a living soul? At the very least, it means that we were […]

Jun 4

Prayer and Evangelism Reinforce One Another by Joe Allen

Editor’s Note: The following excerpt is by Joe M. Allen III, published with permission from Before You Go: Wisdom From 10 Men on Serving Internationally, edited by Matthew Bennett and Joshua Bowman. Copyright 2024, B&H Publishing. Available now from B&H and wherever Christian books are sold. Prayer and evangelism go together like chocolate and peanut […]

May 8

Am I Out of Asks? by Katie Polski

“Thank you, Lord,” I uttered when I got off the phone with my doctor. A few months before I had been diagnosed with melanoma, and a few days after the surgery, I received the welcomed news that the cancer had not spread. The Lord kindly answered my prayer. Several weeks later I sat on our […]

Oct 18

Episode 233: Rediscovering Prayer by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

Find it difficult to pray? Struggle with sluggishness or a wandering mind in your quiet times? You’re not alone. On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared and Ross talk about ways to reinvigorate our approach to prayer.

Mar 1

An Intimate Hour with God by Jim Elliff

The following suggestions are designed to help you spend an extended time in prayer and meditation with God. You may spend this hour alone or with others. The order is not essential, but does provide a helpful way to progress.

Feb 3

Why Every Day is Thanksgiving by H.B. Charles Jr.

For the humble spirit that knows where its help comes from, every day is a day of thanksgiving!

Dec 6

10 Ways to Pray for Your Pastor Search Team by Jeff Mingee

God is shepherding his people even in seasons of pastoral transition. Unexpected resignations or changes in leadership do not threaten His good purposes or plans. His promises pertaining to prayer remain in uncertain seasons. He continues to work through the prayers of his people. In fact, God may use a season of pastoral transition to […]

Dec 1

Losses of a Prayerless Christian by Jim Elliff

“Prayer,” said the 19th century preacher, Charles Spurgeon, “is the tender nerve that moveth the muscle of omnipotence.” We cannot afford not to pray.