What does the gospel have to do with pastoral ministry? Is there a particular way to pastor that is gospel-centered? Sign up today for a free online conversation with Jared C. Wilson and Jared Bumpers to discuss gospel-centered ministry.



Feb 15

Episode 199: Singles and The Church by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson and Ross Ferguson talk about the ins and outs of singleness within the church community.

Mar 16

Wisdom for Unwanted Singleness: Singleness as Loss (Part 3) by Kari Kurz

Series: Wisdom for Unwanted Singleness

We should allow ourselves to lament the loss that comes with unwanted singleness. Lament is the way God has designed for us to process pain, and lament is also a doorway to wisdom.

Mar 9

Wisdom for Unwanted Singleness: Singleness as a Trial (Part 2) by Kari Kurz

Series: Wisdom for Unwanted Singleness

Seeing unwanted singleness as a trial also helps those in the body of Christ truly relate to one another–not based on the uniqueness of our trial, but on our common experience of various trials.

Mar 2

Wisdom for Unwanted Singleness: Singleness as a Gift (Part 1) by Kari Kurz

Series: Wisdom for Unwanted Singleness

Christians believe that everything in our lives come to us from the hand of God, including the things we don’t want. So, if we have singleness when what we actually desire is marriage, we have a trial – a particular kind of gift.

Nov 24

Let Me Be Single by Grace Sutton

Let the unmarried be single if they want, and the married glorify God in their marriage. God has ordained it, and his Word allows it. At the end of the day, God is calling all of us to follow him more than he is asking us to check a certain box about our marital status.

Sep 30

Folding Singles into Family in the Life of the Church by Sean DeMars

How should a pastor shepherd the single sheep in his flock well without trying to force marriage upon them, make them feel like second-class citizens, or treat them like charity cases?

Nov 27

9 Things I’ve Learned in 9 Years Of Theological Education by Allyson Howell (Todd)

All theological education exists to build up the church, equip the church, adorn the church, love the church – it is for the church.

Dec 5

3 Lies the Church Believes About Singleness by Jordan Wilbanks

While singleness may, at times, be a function of cultural shifts and an extended adolescence among some adults, no single person remains single outside of the sovereignty—and goodness—of God.

Jan 24

Living As Those Who Are Lacking by Allyson Howell (Todd)

Marriage is not sufficient for life and godliness. Jesus is.

Sep 11

3 Ways The Trinity Affects My Singleness by Jeanie Layne

When I am tempted to bemoan gifts I feel the Lord has withheld, the Godhood of each person of the Trinity helps me to see God’s gifts correctly.