What does the gospel have to do with pastoral ministry? Is there a particular way to pastor that is gospel-centered? Sign up today for a free online conversation with Jared C. Wilson and Jared Bumpers to discuss gospel-centered ministry.


Aaron Armstrong

Aaron Armstrong, a Regular Contributor to For The Church, is a writer, blogger and speaker based in Ontario, Canada. He is the author of Awaiting a Savior: the Gospel, the New Creation and the End of Poverty, and Contend: Defending the Faith in a Fallen World, a contributor to The Gospel Coalition and blogs daily at Blogging Theologically.

Apr 26

Episode 208: Aaron Armstrong on Guiding New Christians by Aaron Armstrong and Jared C. Wilson

On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson talks with author Aaron Armstrong about his new book of counsel for new believers and how we all might help our new brothers and sisters take their first steps in the pursuit of Christlikeness. But first, a conversation about comic book movies! (If you just want […]

Nov 30

Letters to a New Believer, Part Seven by Aaron Armstrong

Series: Letters to a New Believer

I've got to be honest: Christian art really bums me out.

Sep 28

Letters to a New Believer, Part Six by Aaron Armstrong

Series: Letters to a New Believer

The biggest mistake I made in leaving the first church I was a part of was I didn't leave soon enough. I know that sounds awful, but let me explain . . .

Sep 28

Letters to a New Believer, Part Five by Aaron Armstrong

Series: Letters to a New Believer

After the service, we asked one of the pastors, "Does this happen every Sunday?"

Aug 6

Letters to a New Believer, Part Four by Aaron Armstrong

Series: Letters to a New Believer

Where the Bible speaks on sexual purity it does not offer suggestions. It provides commands. And these are commands we are to obey.

Aug 5

Letters to a New Believer, Part Three by Aaron Armstrong

Series: Letters to a New Believer

It was 2006, I'd been a Christian for just over a year, it was my first missions trip, and it was super-awkward. It wasn't that I didn't know what happened (though I did), nor was it that I was particularly uncomfortable in front of a crowd (though I was). What made it awkward was the way I was telling the story wasn't right.

Jun 3

Put a Rock in Their Shoe by Aaron Armstrong

Evangelism is often a slow process; sometimes it’s enough to stick a rock in someone’s shoe, and see what God does with it.

May 14

Letters to a New Believer, Part Two by Aaron Armstrong

Series: Letters to a New Believer

The Bible is the foundation of our life as Christians. Get a grip on it now. Don't let anything else take away from its priority in your life. Do this, and it will go well for you.

May 4

Letters to a New Believer, Part One by Aaron Armstrong

Series: Letters to a New Believer

About a year or so into being a Christian, I did something absolutely, spectacularly dumb: I joined the men's ministry leadership team at our church. Seriously, on a scale of dumb to really dumb, this was just the worst.

Apr 2

The Challenge of Contending by Aaron Armstrong

How do we contend for the faith and guard the gospel without being argumentative, judgmental, or cantakerous?