Written as private prayers or devotional exercises, Charles Spurgeon's book Christ Our All expresses his sorrows, hopes, and love for God with striking imagery and bold conviction. Access the eBook version of Spurgeon's Christ Our All for free during Midwestern Seminary's Called Month!


Andrea Burke

Andrea Burke is the Director of Women's Ministry at her home church Grace Road Church in Rochester, NY. She writes and teaches regularly for women. She's married to the quintessential Vermont man, Jedediah, and they are raising two kids in an old farmhouse on a couple of acres outside of Rochester, NY. You can also find more about her at andreagburke.com or on Twitter @theandreaburke.

Jan 6

What a Zombie Ant and Sin Have in Common by Andrea Burke

Sin doesn’t make you more real. Sin makes you more dead.

Aug 6

The Gospel According to Essential Oils by Andrea Burke

I am not against you, friend. I’m against the golden calf that I’ve seen built in your midst.

May 31

An Obedient Woman by Andrea Burke

Eventually, if we actually believe what we believe, obedience will be the tell-tale sign that follows us.

May 13

A Gentle and Quiet Woman by Andrea Burke

Our goals as Christian women should and will look different the more we behold Christ and, in desperation, throw everything aside and root ourselves in him. Only then can we be immovable, unshakable, laughing at the days to come.​​

Apr 10

When You Make Your Bed In Hell by Andrea Burke

I wanted the Bible to fit my story. I didn’t want any impositions.

Mar 22

The One Life Dream That Makes a Girl Blush by Andrea Burke

Series: Beholding and Becoming

We’ve gone so far down the road of feminism that we’ve forgotten how to proudly be feminine.

Feb 25

Numbering Our Days by Andrea Burke

Series: Beholding and Becoming

We must let time pass over us with the night and we must give in to letting God be the sovereign one.

Feb 15

How to Lead Women’s Ministry in a Complementarian Church by Andrea Burke

God created men and women to work in such a way that we both have the same goal and we need one another to get the job done. 

Feb 15

How to Lead Women�s Ministry in a Complementarian Church by Andrea Burke

God created men and women to work in such a way that we both have the same goal and we need one another to get the job done. 

Nov 5

Grave to Groom by Andrea Burke

We grieve at bedsides and empty beds, asking hard questions that might go unanswered for our lifetimes.