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David Appelt

David Appelt serves as the creative arts director at NewLife Community Church in Canal Winchester, Ohio. He graduated from Capital University with an emphasis on Music Ministry and is pursuing pastoral ministry. You can hear his preaching at gotonewlife.com/sermon-speaker/david-appelt/ and his writing at reformedcollective.com/david-appelt.

Jun 13

Not Easily Triggered by David Appelt

Our personality type never gives us license to continue to disobey God's clear direction.

Apr 2

Your Church Music Might Be Incomplete by David Appelt

Singing at church should be passionate but never devoid of Biblical truth and teaching.

Feb 16

Do You Search For Wisdom? by David Appelt

God himself is the true fountain from which we find all wisdom.

Feb 1

Is God Pleased With You? by David Appelt

How can I know God is pleased with me? The crushing answer: be perfect. The good news: Jesus has given the answer for us.

Nov 20

God Who Provides by David Appelt

Our God sees ahead, and because of that, we can live in the present. Our God provides.

Feb 16

Jesus Walks Amongst the Churches by David Appelt

Jesus is not far-off, peering through a telescope. He is among the churches. And He is with us now.