Recognizing Resentment in Ministry
Resentment will crush you and your ministry
The Kingdom is Greater Than Its Appearance
If Christ the King has come, and He has proclaimed that the kingdom has arrived, then where is it?
Joy Comes in the Mourning
In order to have great heavenly riches we have to become poor in spirit; now, in order to find comfort, we must mourn.
Casting Upon a Caring Savior
God cares for His people from beginning to end, throughout all circumstances. We do not rely on an unsympathetic God, or one who is distant or emotionally uninvolved.
A Garden, A Sword, A Healing Savior
When we face the enemies of God we would be well-served to remember that Jesus commanded that we take up the cross rather than the sword.
Convicting Conversations
The role of apologetics is not to engage the mind in order to sway it but rather to use worldviews to weave past the mind’s defenses and confront the rebellious soul with the gospel of Truth. Once Christ is proclaimed as Lord within the conversation the person’s mind will engage in every manner of distraction to avoid confronting the uncomfortable truth that they are subject to a sovereign God.
Evangelical Engagement In Evil Times
Above all, preach unceasingly the glory of the Kingdom that is here and is to come; it is the only hope we have in these “last days.” We must all “do the work of an evangelist.”
Vehicles of God’s Pursuit
I lived the first decade and a half of my twenty plus years as Christian burdened with the idea that my task in evangelism was two-fold: to preach and to bring about conversion. When I was faithful to the first task but unproductive in the second, I often experience debilitating discouragement. It is difficult for me to convey the freedom that washed over my heart when the burden of responsibility for another’s conversion was removed from me and rightly placed on God.