Worship: The Completion of Our Affection
C.S. Lewis is one of my favorite authors. One of the most impactful things he has written in regards to worship isn’t about the subject of worship in particular, but it definitely helps my heart to feel and my mind to know what is true. He says this in “Reflections on the Psalms” : “I […]

Being Aware of God’s Presence in Worship
As worship leaders, our primary job is to raise our church’s gaze to Christ – to take their eyes off the mundane things of life and set them on the majesty of their Savior.

A Worship Leader’s Real Hope
As worship leaders, we don’t have to lead anyone into God’s presence. We’ve already been carried there by the finished work of Christ at Calvary.

Shepherd the Room
Sometimes shepherding the room is simply getting out of the way so that the real Shepherd can do His work.

Worship as a Feast
We want to set a table that entices our people to sit down and dig in.

On Consumeristic Worship
Culture is relentless in leading us to believe that all of life exists with ourselves at the center. When it comes to worshiping God, preference gives way to His worth and we are to strive for unity within the Body.

Aiming Our Worship
The beauty of the gospel is that it hijacks our worship and aims it at the One in whom our worship finds its consummation of joy.

We’ve Got Spirit, Yes We Do
We must be careful that we don’t gauge the Spirit’s effectiveness in our church based on how many people feel a certain way.

The Proper Feeding of the Christian Soul
A lot of worship diets are like "Oreos for breakfast."

Joining The Dance of The Trinity
The Father orchestrated the plan of salvation, the Son accomplished it, and the Spirit applies it. So it is in corporate worship.