Episode 141: Garrett Kell on Pure in Heart
On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson and pastor Garrett Kell discuss a gospel-centered approach to overcoming the sin of pornography.
Pastors, Train Future Pastors
Pastor training isn’t just another item on our to-do-list; in one sense, it’s central to our task.
Pastors, Spend Time with Non-Pastors
Being around the flock helps them see what our message looks like in real life.
Photobombing Jesus
A simple, but profound truth: Jesus came to save glory thieves from themselves.
He’s a Good Father, Even in Our Suffering
Few things are as isolating as pain. When we suffer, we feel like no one can really understand what we are experiencing. Yet, no matter how alone we feel, we are never ultimately alone. Our heavenly Father is there.
Should I Tell My Spouse about Struggles with Sexual Purity?
Regardless of where you land on the spectrum, it is important for husbands and wives to develop a plan to help each other fight sexual temptation.
Love is a Risk Worth Taking
“I saw everyone staring at him, but I couldn’t just watch him struggling like that. I was afraid he might hit me, but I thought it would be better for me to risk being hurt than for me to just let him hurt alone.”
Followed By The God of Grace
It was early in my junior year at Virginia Tech—and I felt like everywhere I turned, God was following me around . . .
A Sample Statement on Regular Church Attendance
One church's example statement to help their community think biblically about regular church attendance.
7 Reasons Not To Skip Church
Faithful church attendance does not earn salvation, nor does it act as a measure to rate spiritual greatness over and against other people. It does, however, reflect a growing commitment to the gospel, the good of the church community, and spiritual health.