A Sacred Silence: How Witholding Words Helped Me Heal
In the past, God used trials to refine both my soul and my art. Regardless of the darkness faced, processing with the Lord birthed poems and words. I often turned to the Psalms, with their patterns of lament, repentance, and praise. So, it shocked me when the pattern shattered, and Psalm 88:18’s final words permeated […]

A Reflection on “The Sower’s Song” by Andrew Peterson
His nail-pierced hand will wipe every tear from the eyes of his Bride. Our redeemed bodies will stand in the presence of the Prince of Peace, delighting in His majesty as death dies. Then the Sower of every flourishing promise will dwell with us for all eternity.

12 Spurgeon Quotes on Joy
Good stories have good endings. The story that began in eternity past and unfolded in time at Bethlehem will culminate in the acclamation and glorification of Christ when he comes again. For Charles Spurgeon, that was the very height of joy itself. Indeed, he said, “No joy ever visits my soul like that of knowing […]

4 Keys to Healing from Betrayal
Partnership in the gospel is a gift from God. Few passages in Scripture remind me of this more than reading of Paul’s goodbye to the Ephesian elders in Miletus in Acts 20:36-38: And when he had said these things, he knelt down and prayed with them all. And there was much weeping on the part of all; they embraced […]

Does Love Prevail Over Hardship?
Series: Beholding and Becoming
Take heart, believer. There is nothing lost that cannot be redeemed; nothing broken that cannot be mended.

A Gospel for the Broken
Series: Beholding and Becoming
Believer, God’s plan for your life is better than anything you could have expected because what is broken will not only be restored but redeemed.

Human Cruelty and the Compassion of God
Series: The Lord and Literature
This summer, I finally decided to open a book my mom gifted me last year called Where the Crawdads Sing. Since it is one of the best-selling books of all time and has a theater debut in July, it went from the bottom of my bookshelf to the top of my summer fiction reading list. […]

7 Tips for Social Media Stewardship
The way we use social media communicates what we think about ourselves, others, and God. Let’s steward it wisely.

Body Image and a Better Understanding of Beauty
When our hearts believe the lie that there is something more beautiful and more valuable than Jesus Christ, our lives will reflect our rejection of that truth.

Pain From the Church Heals in the Church
What happens when the ones united to you in Christ—who share the same Holy Spirit as you—are the ones who inflict the deepest wounds?