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Haylee Williams

Haylee Williams is a wife, mother of three, and faithful church member. She is also a full-time M. Div student at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Haylee is most passionate about Bible literacy and seeing God’s glory in all facets of life, especially motherhood. She recently authored her first book God of Forever published by Hosanna Revival. You can find more of Haylee at www.hayleejwilliams.com

Dec 6

Through Agony, Comes Forth Life: How Childbirth Points Us To The Hope Found in Christ’s Death by Haylee Williams

A few weeks ago, I was reading through the Gospel of Mark and came upon the narrative of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. As I read the words of Jesus “Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will,” I felt […]

Nov 20

Am I A Good Mom? by Haylee Williams

I feel like such a failure. Growing up, I became accustomed to objective standards of success defining whether or not I had succeeded. An ‘A+’ signifies a job well done. A winning record in my collegiate sport proves my hard work. Even in marriage, a “Great job!” from my husband means I am accomplishing my […]

Jun 26

He Gives To His Beloved Sleep by Haylee Williams

It was two o’clock in the morning and my newborn was asleep in the bassinet next to me. Most of the time, a newborn sleeping is cause for celebration and slumber but on this particular night, fears about my son’s life plagued my mind. You see, a few days prior, my sweet baby was rushed […]

Jun 1

I’m a Stay-at-Home Mom and I Decided to Go to Seminary by Haylee Williams

What good is a seminary degree for a mom? In answering that question, I have five reasons why I decided to go to seminary.