Written as private prayers or devotional exercises, Charles Spurgeon's book Christ Our All expresses his sorrows, hopes, and love for God with striking imagery and bold conviction. Access the eBook version of Spurgeon's Christ Our All for free during Midwestern Seminary's Called Month!


Jasmine Timm

Jasmine Timm is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Associate in the state of North Carolina. She obtained her Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Western Seminary in Portland, OR and has published with Christian Leader Magazine and the Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health. She has previous ministry experience in women’s, children’s and youth ministry in writing, teaching and discipleship. She is married to Tyler. You can follow her on Twitter at @jasminetimm.

Feb 7

A Tender Approach to Anxiety by Jasmine Timm

A word of caution: In order to express tender care for struggling saints, we need to engage in disciplines that remind us of our own feebleness, sin and personal need for our gracious God.

Dec 22

Little Ones Receive Power by Jasmine Timm

God is inviting us into a life of Spirit-filled power that will change not only us but the world around us and the eternity to come. This requires something simple yet difficult of us—that we admit we need God’s help in every moment and every hour of our time here on earth. We must train ourselves to recognize and accept our smallness.