What Preachers Can Learn from Spurgeon’s Sermons
Editor’s Note: This article is taken from the foreword to C. H. Spurgeon’s Sermons: Revival Years – New Park Street Pulpit 1855–1860. Used by permission of Reformation Heritage Books. This collection is now available for purchase. __________ My hope is that every gospel minister will have in his personal library his own complete set of Charles […]
Three Ingredients for Faithful Preaching
Faithful preaching has three primary ingredients. Creativity and homiletical polish are helpful, but the key ingredients of faithful preaching are preset and established by God. The three ingredients touch on who is qualified to preach, why one should preach, and what one should preach. Who May Preach? Though the gospel call is promiscuous, the call […]
On Conversion as Our Aim
The grand object of the Christian ministry is the glory of God. Whether souls are converted or not, if Jesus Christ be faithfully preached, the minister has not labored in vain, for he is a sweet savor unto God as well in them that perish as in them that are saved. Yet, as a rule, […]
Do You Love the People of God?
Ministry service is glorious, but it can also be uniquely taxing, and only those propelled by a love for Christ and His church survive the long haul.
Keeping the Faith: Spurgeon and the Downgrade Controversy
As Christians, we are called to share our faith, but we are also called to keep it.
Episode 181: Jason K. Allen on the MBTS Turnaround
On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson talks with Dr. Jason Allen, president of Midwestern Seminary, on the occasion of his 10th anniversary at the seminary and his new book Turnaround, laying out the leadership principles applied in the extraordinary comeback he led at the institution.
Lead Where You Are
Pursue faithfulness in leadership, not success. The world does not need more hypothetical leaders; it needs more actual ones.
Recovering the Exclusivity of the Gospel
By exclusivity of the gospel, we mean that only those who personally, consciously, explicitly, and singularly confess Jesus Christ as Lord can possess eternal life. Let’s consider these qualifiers more closely.
Living in Light of Jesus’ Return
The church’s attention to Jesus’ return seems to be seasonal, with interest rising and falling based upon a host of issues, most especially current geo-political events. The need of the hour is not for more end-times speculation, but an impact upon how we live the Christian life every day.
Do You Desire The Ministry?
There is no such thing as a pastor who knows only the burden of leadership or only the sweat of service.