FTC Preaching Guide: Revelation
Revelation is one of the most difficult books of the Bible to preach and teach. But for the one who patiently and carefully mines the caverns of this marvelous work, there are riches to be unearthed.

What Did Mary Know?
How often has God told us in the Scriptures that he is good, but we choose our own golden calf?

Dear New Seminary Student
Separating vocational ministry from academic ministry is something I would encourage you to avoid.

The Exclusion of Christ
The Lord knocks at their door in order to remind them of who they forgot.

The Danger of the Ordinary
If we get into the habit of weekly preparing our sermons while forgetting the who of the biblical text, we miss the point of the Gospel.

Don’t Study to Pass
My encouragement to you is that if you are presently in your Bible college or seminary education, do not study for a passing grade. Remember now why you are studying God’s word.

Organization To The Glory of God
We have been given a set, predetermined number of days to walk this earth. We should, by God’s grace, make every one of them count.

Your Student Ministry Needs Expository Preaching
I began to realize that I failed miserably as a youth minister to the students who were under my care. I saw for the first time what preaching truly is, how serious it should be taken, and what is at stake. I went back to my dorm room, sat down on the floor, and wept.