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Jeff Dodge

Jeff Dodge is an assistant professor of Theological Studies at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and he is on the pastoral team of Veritas Church in Tiffin, Iowa.

Apr 7

Jeff Dodge on Theological Training and Intellectualism by Jeff Dodge

Series: Conversations

FTC.co asks Jeff Dodge, teaching pastor at Veritas Church, “How do you keep theological training from becoming intellectualism?​”

Apr 15

Jeff Dodge on Effective Discipleship Processes Within Large Churches by Jeff Dodge

What does an effective discipleship process look like in a large church?

Dec 17

Jeff Dodge on The Local Church and Theological Training by Jeff Dodge

Series: Conversations

Why is the local church integral to theological training?

Oct 9

Jeff Dodge on Why Churches Should Think More Intentionally About College Campuses by Jeff Dodge

Series: Conversations

FTC.co asks Jeff Dodge, Teaching Pastor at Cornerstone Church (Ames, Iowa), "Why should local churches be thinking more intentionally about college campuses?

Aug 14

Jeff Dodge on What Average Churchgoers May Not Understand About Being a Pastor by Jeff Dodge

Series: Conversations

FTC.co asks Jeff Dodge, Teaching Pastor at Cornerstone Church in Ames, Iowa, "What’s something about being a pastor the average churchgoer doesn’t understand?"

Dec 1

The Church’s Worship by Jeff Dodge

Series: 2017 For The Church Ames Micro-Conference

Dr. Jeff Dodges' message on "The Church's Worship" delivered at the 2017 For The Church Micro-Conference at Ames, Iowa.

Aug 11

The Merciful King: A Parable by Jeff Dodge

Our one, true King forever stands at the intersection of pure mercy and perfect justice.

Sep 4

Same-Sex Marriage is An Opportunity for the Gospel by Jeff Dodge

From a global and epochal perspective, we have a rare privilege! Few Christ-followers have ever enjoyed the level of freedom that God has given to us to engage our neighbors and our government with our Biblical worldview.

Aug 25

Spontaneous Regeneration by Jeff Dodge

When we come to Christ we are instantaneously swept into a spiritual, life-giving current – even before our conscience minds are aware of it.