Written as private prayers or devotional exercises, Charles Spurgeon's book Christ Our All expresses his sorrows, hopes, and love for God with striking imagery and bold conviction. Access the eBook version of Spurgeon's Christ Our All for free during Midwestern Seminary's Called Month!


Jeremy Wilson

Jeremy Wilson is Associate Pastor of Discipleship at Houston Northwest Church in Houston, TX where he has also served as High School Pastor and Pastor to College and Young Singles. He has an M.Div. from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and is married to Danielle. They have one son, a daughter on the way, and a dog (Junebug Carter Cash Wilson).

Apr 30

For Those Who Are “Over” Church by Jeremy Wilson

If you’re thinking about giving up on church, reconsider. Don't be fooled by the idea that you're better off with the body.

Apr 17

Present Darkness by Jeremy Wilson

The church should not be afraid to acknowlege the depth and range of human suffering even as we place our hope in God.

Apr 5

The Messy Blessing of Multi-Gen Groups by Jeremy Wilson

Blending age-groups in our ministries helps us accurately represent the diverse spiritual family that God has given us.

Oct 14

Taming the Tongue by Jeremy Wilson

Why does Christlikeness always go and get in the way of a good two cents?

Aug 6

Cough Drop Christianity by Jeremy Wilson

We may want to believe that we can do anything if we just believe in ourselves, but we are saved by faith in Christ, not faith in ourselves.

Jun 8

Ministering to Singles by Jeremy Wilson

If the church’s message seems to be that marriage and parenting bring the "real" issues in life, you may be sending the message that singles are second-class citizens.

May 7

Small Talk(ing) by Jeremy Wilson

The message from God’s Word is meant to be the centerpiece of a worship gathering. If there is more emphasis placed on creating an exciting environment or attractive event than on hearing from God, we’ve missed the mark.

Apr 26

Cause Culture and Identity Thieves by Jeremy Wilson

The beauty of identifying with Christ is that He doesn’t need defending.