What does the gospel have to do with pastoral ministry? Is there a particular way to pastor that is gospel-centered? Sign up today for a free online conversation with Jared C. Wilson and Jared Bumpers to discuss gospel-centered ministry.


Jim Fowler

Jim Fowler is married to Michelle and they have three beautiful children: Cohen, Elias, and Arianna. Jim and Michelle are members at Redeemer Fellowship in Saint Charles, Illinois, where Jim is an elder candidate. You can follow Jim on Twitter and Instagram at @jfowler63.

Oct 14

3 Barometers for Church Growth by Jim Fowler

How does one measure health in the church? This has been a question that has plagued me for years. How do we take a step back and take an honest view about where we are at as a church?

Sep 28

Shepherding God’s People by Jim Fowler

Are you shepherding? As an elder/pastor, are you feeding, leading, protecting, committing, and dwelling with the flock?

Sep 4

The Practice of Sermon Note-Taking by Jim Fowler

Through years of trial and error, I have come to follow these five keys to taking notes during a sermon.

Sep 4

Pastors Should Never Stand Alone by Jim Fowler

The dominant models in the church today tend to be those of "pastor as pope" or "pastor as pawn." Looking at Scripture, however, we see a better way . . .

Aug 20

Do You Want To Move Up in Ministry? by Jim Fowler

People keep asking me if I am excited to be "moving up" in ministry. I cannot tell you how much I hate that phrase.

Jul 8

How To Have the Best Vacation Ever by Jim Fowler

A perfect vacation is not about the waves, fresh powder, or the length of stay.  It is found with your loved ones, by being alone, present, willing, and intentional.

Jul 8

The Practice of Ministry Sabbaticals, Part 4 by Jim Fowler

It is my prayer that your church incorporates a practice of ministry sabbaticals. There are enough burned-out pastors. Let us not add more.

Jul 8

The Practice of Ministry Sabbaticals, Part 3 by Jim Fowler

I know it sounds weird but it is important to clearly lay out expectations. As much as pastors love the people God has blessed them with, it is important that they spend time away during their vacation or sabbatical.

Jul 6

The Practice of Ministry Sabbaticals, Part 2 by Jim Fowler

A ministry sabbatical is not a glorified vacation, but a time for spiritual reflection, renewal, training, or contribution.

Jul 2

The Practice of Ministry Sabbaticals, Part 1 by Jim Fowler

For either churches or pastors who refuse to consider a sabbatical period for the minister, the root of the refusal is often sin.