Josh Starkey

Josh Starkey serves as Corporate Worship Director at Grace Brethren Church in Simi Valley, California. He and his wife Jenny have three children and have been members of their church for over ten years. Josh also teaches eleventh grade English at Grace Brethren High School. He blogs regularly at, and his articles have been published on The Gospel Coalition and

Aug 30

Turning Your Spectators Into Worshipers by Josh Starkey

Do everything out of love for the congregation that gathers as your local church, and enable them to sing and worship and see Christ clearly together. 

Jul 7

Help for Worship Leaders From Hebrews by Josh Starkey

Worship in your church does not stand or fall with you as the corporate worship leader. Be faithful to prepare, and lead music and other elements in your gatherings that put Christ on full display for your church. Look to Jesus.