Written as private prayers or devotional exercises, Charles Spurgeon's book Christ Our All expresses his sorrows, hopes, and love for God with striking imagery and bold conviction. Access the eBook version of Spurgeon's Christ Our All for free during Midwestern Seminary's Called Month!


Justin Jackson

Justin Jackson serves as the Lead Pastor at Grace Church in Ovilla, Texas and is the Vice President of Academic Affairs at Southern Bible Institute and College. He has also served as a missionary in East Asia, where his tasks focused on local church planting and pastoral training. He holds a M.Div. and a D.Min from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and is currently pursuing a PhD in Biblical Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife have four children Timothy, Abigail, Titus, and Jonathan.

Sep 29

The Local Church Is Your Spiritual Gifts Test by Justin Jackson

It is a good and noble pursuit to ask how God has gifted us to serve his church. We find a call for such assessment in Romans 12. Paul writes that believers are to “think with sober judgment” (v. 3) as they consider how to use their gifts in the body of Christ. However, the […]

Sep 13

The Need for Confession in a “Copy” and “Edit” Age by Justin Jackson

Confession is much more than an embarrassing admission of failure, as people have often treated it. Quite the contrary, it is a desperate pursuit of restored joy in the Lord. Without confession, such restoration is impossible.

Mar 24

Habits as the Muscle Memory of Our Worship by Justin Jackson

Spiritual things tend not to happen “cold turkey.” In reality, even the best spiritual habits will feel like a daily crucifixion of our fleshly desires. By God’s grace, however, we have a High Priest who knows our struggle.

Dec 13

Remembering Why We Feast this Christmas by Justin Jackson

As Christians, we should remember that there is no such thing as mere food or a simple holiday dinner. Our feasting carries a much deeper meaning. When we feast, there is something special—something spiritual—that is happening that we rarely stop to appreciate.

May 13

Better Than a Fresh Start: A Brief Biblical Theology of Ezra-Nehemiah by Justin Jackson

How will God’s people receive a new heart—a heart that is made ready to obey God?

Mar 26

5 Reasons Being Disappointed With Your Pastor Could Be a Good Thing by Justin Jackson

Disappointment with your pastor, with other believers, or with your church should send you to your knees in prayer, not out the door with a dramatic show of indignation.

Jan 14

Tolkien, Great Reversals, and Hobbit-like Humility by Justin Jackson

Left without a challenger, pride makes us into self-exalters who forget that we are here to magnify God and not ourselves.