Laura Campbell

Laura Campbell (MTS, Midwestern Seminary) is a wife, mother of two, and a staff member at Midwestern Seminary. She lives in Aurora, Colorado serving at Element Church where her husband is the pastor.

Mar 23

When There is Pain in Childbearing by Laura Campbell

After too many hours of labor and multiple complications, I finally heard the most beautiful sound of my newborn boy’s cries for the first time. After the doctor, my husband was the first to hold our son, as I was sewn back together post cesarean section. As many new mothers, my heart was exploding with […]

May 3

Labor With Hope: A Book Review by Laura Campbell

Series: Book Reviews

There are ways to write a book like this that circumvent the hard and complicated truths of Scripture, but Furman will have none of that.

Feb 17

A Field Like No Other: On Theological Interactions by Laura Campbell

Theologians at every level: Employ your expertise with humility in every interaction for the good of your brother and the good of your neighbor to the glory of God.

Jul 16

Know Your Idols by Laura Campbell

Consider with me, brothers and sisters – do we really see the idols of our culture? Can we call them by name?

May 14

Teach Them How To Study by Laura Campbell

Church members are told to read their Bibles but are seldom instructed how to do so. 

Nov 11

1 Timothy is For The Church by Laura Campbell

The church acts as a foundation for the truth by seeking to uphold right doctrine and live in light of that doctrine.