Old Books, New Books, and Trends That Fade Away
The waves of trends beat against the rocks of God’s Word. They make quite a noise, but they can never change it.

Christ Puts a Comma Where the World Puts a Period
This is the good news of the gospel. Words that didn’t make sense together make sense now because of the death and resurrection of Jesus.

5 Tools Every Rural Church Needs
Pastoring is a challenge no matter the size of the community, but having the right set of tools can make the job a little easier.

Pastor, Rest Even When Your Work’s Not Finished
While we might feel like we have more to do, we must rest in knowing that Christ’s work is done.

Ordinary Things
Ordinary things in the hands of an extraordinary God become the miraculous means by which He brings about His kingdom.

Big Data and the Holy Spirit
I have a God who cares about me, and who loves me enough to orchestrate everything so that my soul is fed the right thing for the day I need it.

Preach Like Carl Sagan, Not Neil deGrasse Tyson
When we hold the good news of Jesus Christ in our hands, we should never bore someone with our words.

What Church Revitalization Really Means
When it comes to revitalization, it's more difficult to help people change than it is to change the curtains. But the hard work is worth it.

The Pulpit and the Cliff
If you are privileged enough to proclaim God’s word in front of the church and don’t feel the weight of it, then you don’t understand what God has called you to do.

The Order Matters
Their works cannot take them out of God's favor because their works didn't put them into God's favor.