What does the gospel have to do with pastoral ministry? Is there a particular way to pastor that is gospel-centered? Sign up today for a free online conversation with Jared C. Wilson and Jared Bumpers to discuss gospel-centered ministry.


Mark Dever

Pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C.

Apr 22

Mark Dever on Younger Generations by Mark Dever

What encourages you about the younger generation?

Dec 10

Mark Dever on Shepherding the Elderly by Mark Dever

Series: Conversations

What should a young pastor know about shepherding elderly church members?

Sep 3

Mark Dever On What The Church Needs To Get Right in the 21st Century by Mark Dever

Series: Conversations

What is the one thing the local church needs to get right in the 21st century?

Mar 26

Mark Dever On Leading Change In A Church by Mark Dever

Series: Conversations

How do you lead big change in a church without blowing it up?

Apr 24

Mark Dever on Sermon Prep by Mark Dever

Series: Conversations

What does your sermon preparation look like?

Aug 23

Mark Dever on Contextualization in Preaching by Mark Dever

Series: Conversations

How important is contextualization in preaching and teaching?

Jun 19

Mark Dever on Sermon Prep by Mark Dever

Series: Conversations

What does your sermon preparation look like?

Apr 1

9 Factors to Consider When Choosing Someone to Disciple by Mark Dever

You only have so much time in the week. You can’t disciple the whole church, so how do you decide in whom to invest?​

Mar 27

Mark Dever On The Importance of Expository Preaching by Mark Dever

Series: Conversations

Why is expository preaching as important today as it’s always been?

Dec 7

Mark Dever on Implementing Meaningful Membership by Mark Dever

Series: Conversations

What advice would you give the pastor beginning the process of implementing meaningful membership in his church?