Written as private prayers or devotional exercises, Charles Spurgeon's book Christ Our All expresses his sorrows, hopes, and love for God with striking imagery and bold conviction. Access the eBook version of Spurgeon's Christ Our All for free during Midwestern Seminary's Called Month!


Matt Carter

Pastor of Preaching at the Austin Stone Church in Austin, Texas.

Feb 18

Refuting the Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by Matt Carter

If you’ll do these things, you’ll continue to grow as a leader in health and effectiveness, and your organization will grow right along with you.​

Oct 5

The Minister’s Mission by Matt Carter

Series: 2017 For The Church National Conference

Matt Carter's message on "The Minister's Mission" delivered at the 2017 For The Church National Conference.

Apr 11

Matt Carter on The Mission Field of Austin, TX by Matt Carter

Series: Mission Field Interviews

We asked Dr. Matt Carter, Pastor of Preaching and Vision at The Austin Stone, to describe the city of Austin, Texas as a mission field.

Feb 19

Matt Carter on Training Young Men for Ministry by Matt Carter

Series: Conversations

Matt Carter on unique things he has learned in training young men for ministry.

Oct 14

One Thing: Matt Carter by Matt Carter

Series: One Thing

What is the one thing you would say to the first-year church planter?

Aug 24

Matt Carter on Adoption and Orphan Care by Matt Carter

Series: Conversations

Why are adoption and orphan care important to the mission of the church in the 21st century?

Jun 25

How do you pastor in a sex-saturated culture? by Matt Carter

Series: 2015 For The Church Columbus Micro-Conference

Matt Carter, pastor of preaching at the Austin Stone Church in Austin, Texas, shares biblical insights on how to pastor in a sex-saturated culture at the For The Church Conference in Columbus, Ohio on Tuesday, June 16.