Interpretations of the Reformation
Editor’s Note: Taken from The Reformation as Renewal: Retrieving the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church by Matthew Barrett. Copyright 2023 by Zondervan Academic. Used by permission of Zondervan. www.harpercollinschristian.com. The book is now available for purchase anywhere books are sold. Over the last century, the Reformation’s self-confessed identity (catholicity) has not always been appreciated […]

Episode 130: Matthew Barrett on the Simple Trinity
On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson sits down with MBTS colleague Dr. Matthew Barrett to talk about the importance of Trinitarian theology for pastoral ministry, the orthodoxy of simplicity, what’s up with the EFS debate, and more.

Allergies, Anyone? The Trinity Does Not Fit Into Your Tiny Box of History
We approach the Bible assuming history is its only focus. Ironically, this approach is a failure to be biblical enough.

Hope for a Suffering World: Divine Impassibility
It may seem counter-intuitive, but only impassibility can give us a personal God who is eternal, unalterable love.

On First Principles: God does not need you and that’s good news!
Unlike everything in this world, God’s existence is not grounded in, derived from, or contingent on something or someone else.

The Well-Trained Theologian: Essential Texts for Retrieving Classical Christian Theology
If lasting renewal is to take place, there must be a return to classical Christian texts. Dare I say, even a retrieval. Without retrieval, there will not be renewal.

Surprised by the Perfect Being
Can we settle for a God who is less than a perfect being? We cannot. To do so is to rob God of his infinite nature and unbounded perfection.

Don�t Domesticate God with Words
If our God-talk doesn’t respect him who is incomprehensible, we risk worshiping a glorified version of our own likeness. But if our posture is one of humility—faith seeking understanding—then our stammering turns into worship.?

Don’t Domesticate God with Words
If our God-talk doesn’t respect him who is incomprehensible, we risk worshiping a glorified version of our own likeness. But if our posture is one of humility—faith seeking understanding—then our stammering turns into worship.

Raising the Cross
Why would Rembrandt place himself at the feet of Jesus as he is being hoisted up and crucified?