How to Think: A Book Review
Thinking is hard work, and Jacobs is a proven guide to help us learn. Give your time, energy, and vulnerability to becoming a better thinker. It will take conscious effort and a settled conviction, but it’s worth it.

What Should I Do Now That I’m a Christian?: A Book Review
Series: Book Reviews
After handing a brand new believer a Bible and a membership directory, I might just hand them this book.

The Privilege of Preaching God’s Immutability
When Christians are suffering persecution, they need this reminder – God has not changed.

We Need Wisdom, Not Wealth
You may think you need wealth, but you don’t need it and God hasn’t promised it.

We Need Wisdom, Not Wealth
God does not scold us or criticize us for lacking wisdom; He is glad to give you the wisdom you need.

A Surprising Command for Suffering Saints
Many of us, however, find great joy when our trials are over. James reminds us to find joy in our trials.

Leverage Your Life for the Nations
We cannot sit idly by in our churches while 6,000 people groups making up over 2.9 billion people have never even heard the gospel.