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Mike Ayers

Mike was the founding and lead pastor of The Brook Church in NW Houston. He is currently an Adjunct Professor of Leadership Studies at College of Biblical Studies, Houston. Mike is the author of a book on Christian leadership called Power to Lead.

Jul 12

Dependence On Christ For Pastors by Mike Ayers

Ultimately, our confidence is not in our abilities, but in the God who works beyond them.

Apr 20

10 Ways for Every Pastor to Be More Relational by Mike Ayers

A list of several practical actions to help leaders build the kind of authentic community that makes leadership personally fulfilling.

Mar 9

Four Things to Consider in a Transition From Your Church by Mike Ayers

I recently resigned from a church that we planted in 1995 and that I pastored for 25 years. It was a huge decision and, while knowing some things going into it, I also learned some things from it.

Jan 4

The Value of Vision in Leadership by Mike Ayers

A leader with a calling from God who is able to translate that calling into a clear, concise, and compelling vision is a leader who motivates others.

Oct 5

While We’re Waiting by Mike Ayers

In our serious waiting, we need to watch in hope, wait in hope, and pray in hope.

Mar 7

10 Ways to Lead a Great Team Meeting by Mike Ayers

Activity does not always mean productivity and just because you meet doesn’t mean you're accomplishing anything of value​.

Jan 10

5 Ways to Last 20 Years in the Same Church by Mike Ayers

These things took time and a process in order to come full-circle – the pain of personal growth, the healing after the pain, and the perspective gained in hindsight beyond the healing. And the unnerving and exciting thing is this: God’s still got more to do.​

Sep 6

Your Church’s Leadership Structure May Not Be the Problem by Mike Ayers

Since the mission of the Church universal is to make disciples of all nations, any church structure should lead to the life transformation of those for whom Christ died.

May 11

Humility Before God by Mike Ayers

Because of who He is, in light of who we are, and because we are received by Him, we worship this infinitely other God with hearts full of gratitude and praise!

Apr 18

The Leader and Abuse of Power by Mike Ayers

In his temptation, Jesus understood that not even a legitimate need should be met in illegitimate ways.