Noah Oldham on Considering Church Planting
What are some good questions someone should ask who is considering planting a church?

Noah Oldham on the Pastor’s Physical Health
Why should pastors care about their physical health?

Noah Oldham on Advice to Pastors on the Verge of Burnout
FTC.co asks Noah Oldham, Lead Pastor at August Gate Church in Belleville, IL, “What advice would you give to a pastor on the verge of burnout?”

Noah Oldham on Difficult Things in Life
Series: Conversations
"What difficult thing in your life has taught you the most?"

Noah Oldham on How To Know if a Church is On Track
Series: Conversations
How can a church know it is on the right track? What are some signs of faithfulness?

Noah Oldham on Sermon Preparation
FTC.co asks Noah Oldham, Lead Pastor of August Gate Church in St. Louis, to describe his sermon-writing process.

Noah Oldham on The Importance of Preaching Within the Local Church
FTC.co asks Noah Oldham, Lead Pastor of August Gate Church in St. Louis, "How important is preaching in the local church?"

Noah Oldham on Pastors Throwing in the Towel
FTC.co asks Noah Oldham, "When are you most tempted to throw in the towel as a pastor?"

How Can A Church Make Sure Its Theology Leads To Doxology?
Series: Conversations
We asked Noah Oldham, "How can a church make sure its theology leads to doxology?"

What Are The Pastor’s Most Important Weekly Tasks?
Series: Conversations
What are the pastor's most important weekly tasks?