Ross Ferguson

Ross serves as an Academic Advisor, as well as the co-host on the For The Church podcast at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Ross earned a Master of Arts in Economics from Heriot Watt University and is a current MDiv student at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has served as a pastor for nearly ten years in churches both in the UK and the US. He and his wife, Miriam, have three children – Leah, Eve, and Abbie. You can follow him on Twitter.

Sep 18

Episode 281: FTC Mailbag by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

It’s another installment of the regular Mailbag feature. This week, Jared Wilson and Ross Ferguson answer listener-submitted questions and topics, including: how unified pastors should be on “third-tier” issues, ministry calling, finding good Sunday School teachers, the youth pastor drought, and whether avoiding danger should be a missional priority.

Sep 11

Episode 280: Changing a Church by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

One of the most frequent questions we get relates to how to go about leading change in a church. In this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson and Ross Ferguson discuss the potential for negative change in a church — how it happens and how to prevent it — and the process for leading positive change in a church.

Sep 4

Episode 279: Baptist’s on the Lord’s Supper by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson and Ross Ferguson talk all things communion! What does it mean? Who is it for? How should we practice it? And how not to spill the cup on someone’s cream-colored pants.

Aug 28

Episode 278: Grab Bag! by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

It’s another installment in the Grab Bag feature, where Jared Wilson and Ross Ferguson ask each other two surprise questions for off-the-cuff responses. Tune in and find out what we caught each other off guard about this week.

Aug 21

Episode 277: How to Go to Church by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

Are you a late to church arriver? Are you a sleep in service attender? Are you a size everybody up fellowshiper? On this episode of the FTC Pod, Jared Wilson and Ross Ferguson discuss the practical, dispositional, and spiritual considerations we should all make in preparing for church — everything from the logistics to getting there on time to the attitude of graciousness towards those worshiping alongside us.

Aug 7

Episode 275: FTC Mailbag by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

In this installment of the Mailbag, Jared Wilson and Ross Ferguson answer questions all submitted via email, including: recommended books for training lay elders, succession plans for senior pastorate, how to know if you’re “gospel-centered” enough, how churches should handle sex offenders who want to be members, the process of disciplining church leaders, and what compromises are appropriate in looking for a church.

Jul 31

Episode 274: Congregation Hall of Fame by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson and Ross Ferguson celebrate some of the unsung heroes of congregations around the world. They don’t often get the fanfare or the spotlight, but these faithful member “types” help churches grow and flourish, and they are huge encouragements to their pastors.

Jul 24

Episode 273: Grab Bag! by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

It’s another installment of the Grab Bag feature here at the FTC Pod. Jared and Ross each come with unique questions for the other. Tune in and find out what surprise topics they discussed!

Jul 17

Episode 272: Conferences by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

Evangelicals love conferences. Well, most of them do anyway. Is the church’s interest in conferences changing? On this week’s episode of the podcast, Jared and Ross discuss the recent phenomenon of the mega-conference, what they like and don’t like about conferences, whether evangelicals’ love affair with conferences has changed, the advantages of smaller conferences, and even some thoughts on speaking at and hosting/organizing conferences.

Jul 10

Episode 271: Best Books for Pastors by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

We know pastors love books and talking about books, so on this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared and Ross share a few books they recommend for the pastor’s shelf.