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Russell L. Meek

Russell L. Meek (PhD, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) is a speaker, writer, and professor who specializes in the Old Testament and its intersection with the Christian life. You can follow him on Twitter at @russ_meek and visit him online at RussMeek.com.  

Feb 22

Reading Ezra-Nehemiah Theologically by Russell L. Meek

Whereas God remains hidden in Esther, in Ezra-Nehemiah he is anything but. Rather, we see God overtly directing kings for his own glory and the good of his people.

Jun 2

I Was Wrong. I’m No White Knight. by Russell L. Meek

What if it wasn’t the community who needed me and my church, but rather me and my church who needed that community?

Oct 30

The Bible Told Us Every Girl Was Sour? by Russell L. Meek

We’ve bought into the same worldview of the larger culture, which is that women—and all people, really—are objects for our consumption. 

Sep 18

Jonah Couldn’t Get Away by Russell L. Meek

Jonah fled because he knows that God is compassionate and loving, eager to forgive sinners. 

Sep 18

Jonah Couldn�t Get Away by Russell L. Meek

Jonah fled because he knows that God is compassionate and loving, eager to forgive sinners. 

Aug 19

The Head Crusher Cometh by Russell L. Meek

This is the story of the hopeful, dreadful time between sin’s entrance and Christ’s conquest.

Jul 31

The Enduring Witness of a Normal Life by Russell L. Meek

Mimi is a good reminder, to me at least, to curb my ambition and instead simply, faithfully seek Christ.

May 10

The True Story of Who We Are by Russell L. Meek

The truth that sets us free, like the truth that set free the original audience of Genesis, is that the God of the universe created us.

Apr 1

Christ Fulfilled the Law by Russell L. Meek

The overhwleming answer to the question: how can an unholy people enter into God’s presence and live?

Mar 20

Your Church Needs Biblical Theology by Russell L. Meek

Biblical theology shows us that this covenant was superseded in a way we couldn’t imagine.