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Russell Moore

Russell Moore is president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, the moral concern and public policy entity of the nation's largest protestant denomination. He is a frequent cultural commentator, an ethicist and theologian by background, and an ordained Southern Baptist minister. Moore is author of several books, including Onward: Engaging the Culture without Losing the Gospel. A native Mississippian, he and his wife Maria are the parents of five sons.

May 21

Russell Moore On The Church In The New “Exile” by Russell Moore

Series: Conversations

What are some practical things local churches should do to be prepared to be on mission in the new ‘exile?

Mar 5

Russell Moore On The Mission of the Church by Russell Moore

Series: Conversations

Has the mission of the mission of the church changed?

Oct 27

Russell Moore on How to Engage Politics with a Kingdom Mindset by Russell Moore

Series: Conversations

How can a Christian do wise political engagement while maintaining faithfulness first to God’s kingdom?

Oct 1

Russell Moore on Politics and the Pastor by Russell Moore

Series: Conversations

How political should a local church pastor get with his flock?

Feb 27

Russell Moore on Encouragement for Parents by Russell Moore

Series: Conversations

How would you encourage Christian parents worried about the world their kids are growing up into?

Jan 18

Russell Moore on Appropriate Honor of Church History Figures by Russell Moore

Series: Conversations

How do we appropriately honor men and women in church history who’ve contributed much of value?

Nov 22

Russell Moore on Christian Families Bearing Witness by Russell Moore

Series: Conversations

How can Christian families bear witness for Christ in today’s culture?

Oct 10

Russell Moore On Social Justice Without A Social Gospel by Russell Moore

Series: Conversations

How can Christians adopt appropriate concerns for justice while rejecting a social gospel?

Sep 29

The Church Domestic by Russell Moore

Series: 2018 For The Church Conference

Dr. Russell Moore's message on "The Church Domestic" delivered at the 2018 For The Church National Conference