Does Original Sin Still Explain the Human Condition?
The doctrine of original sin has fallen on hard times. Celebrated as more “positive” thinking, recent pop publications like Humankind: A Hopeful History propel the sirenic melodies of innate human goodness to an ever-growing audience. The past portrayal of original sin is attributed more to the 17th-century works of Thomas Hobbes than to the Bible, […]
What You Need to Know About the Seder Meal and Passover
As Holy Week approaches, many Christians and churches will begin thinking more intently about Passover. The final days of Jesus’ life coincide with the Jewish festival, and the New Testament unabashedly describes him as the “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.” (John 1:29). It is no mistake to associate […]
From Divine Kings to Doctor Who
Our twenty-first-century culture is quite taken with a literal “alien savior”—Doctor Who. Like ancient kings of old, the Doctor spans the gap between humanity and that which lies outside our grasp. But there is one significant difference . . .