Written as private prayers or devotional exercises, Charles Spurgeon's book Christ Our All expresses his sorrows, hopes, and love for God with striking imagery and bold conviction. Access the eBook version of Spurgeon's Christ Our All for free during Midwestern Seminary's Called Month!


Sean Nolan

Sean Nolan (MA, BS, Clarks Summit University) grew up in New York’s capital region. He married the girl that told him about Jesus and they have four children together. After three years pastoring in the suburbs of Baltimore, he returned to Albany to begin planting Engage Church. You can follow him on Twitter.

Sep 2

The Compatibility Question: Churches Make Better Aquariums than Pantries by Sean Nolan

“Do you think you’re a good fit for this church?” Nat’s heart rate increased and it became harder to swallow. Self-preservation kicks in at questions like this. The honest answer was, “No. No, he didn’t think he was a good fit for this church.” But an honest answer might mean no way to pay his […]

Mar 21

Church Planting: Our Will and the Lord’s Will by Sean Nolan

Don’t get tunnel vision on building something great for the Lord and miss out on what he wants to build in and through you.

Mar 6

The Department of Redundancy Department by Sean Nolan

As flawed humans, we don’t always reflect this patient willingness to repeat ourselves.

Sep 18

Career Idolators (And What to Do About Our Jealousy) by Sean Nolan

When we accept that God’s kingdom comes through hands other than our own, we’ve begun to relinquish control of our own kingdom as it’s eclipsed by his.

Mar 22

When God Gives You “X” But You Asked For “Y” by Sean Nolan

God exposed my misplaced allegiance by closing doors that, if opened, would’ve led down a path of continual self-destruction and false worship.

Oct 14

Men, There�s a Difference Between Being Brave and Being Courageous by Sean Nolan

 If bravery is to outwardly face what intimidates us, courage is being transparent enough to admit that inwardly we have many fears and wounds.

Oct 14

Men, There’s a Difference Between Being Brave and Being Courageous by Sean Nolan

 If bravery is to outwardly face what intimidates us, courage is being transparent enough to admit that inwardly we have many fears and wounds.

Aug 3

When the Wedding Interrupts the Funeral by Sean Nolan

When the funeral party is interrupted, it’s not by a power outage or someone pulling the fire alarm, but by the bridegroom calling us home to the eternal wedding celebration.

May 30

Repenting of the Desire to Be Clever by Sean Nolan

At its best, my desire to be clever is a blessing given by a creator God who made me in his image. We long to create as a reflection of the image of God that was put in us. But at its worst, my longings for originality show a heart that says, “Did God really say?”

Dec 15

You Can Lead a Man to Living Water, But You Can�t Make Him Drink by Sean Nolan

It is possible to have a fascination with the Bible that does not lead to faith in Christ.