Living On Mission in An Area Saturated With Churches
One big challenge is how many people in the community think they know what it means to be Christian

The Gospel According to Esther, Part 2
Because our churches are filled with, and led by, people who have caved under far less pressure than what Esther faced. We have all been guilty of hiding our heavenly identity and submitting to the faithless systems of life around us.

The Gospel According to Esther, Part 1
Esther's first nine verses make Xerxes out to be pretty intimidating. It's obvious from the lavish banquet throws and the riches he has and the way he micromanages absolutely everything that he is one powerful dude. But then the wheels fall off.

Pastor, You Should Share The Pulpit
If your church is blessed to have another guy or two gifted by God to preach, I encourage you to share the pulpit. It'll be good for you and good for your church.

He Restores My Soul
My instinct was to hide and to zone out and to stay inside my head. But God wasn’t having that. Sometimes He leads us, kicking and screaming, beside still waters.

Epaphras’ Example for Pastors Like You and Me
If I want Colossians 1:3-6 to be happening in our church, what kind of pastor do I have to be? What kind of pastor does God use to accomplish this kind of work?