Six “Do Nots” for Evangelism from the Old Testament
The Old Testament encourages an unusually bold witness in evangelism in many ways.

3 Types of Evangelism to Avoid
Christ calls us to share His death and resurrection with love and humility, as well as power and boldness.

Making Evangelism a Habit
Developing godly habits is extremely important. And one of these healthy habits is to share the gospel with those we encounter.

10 Strategies to Safeguard Regenerate Membership
In a perfect world all members of a church would be regenerate and would remain so throughout their lives. But we do not live in a perfect world. So it is beneficial that we have strategies in mind to safeguard regenerate church membership.

6 Cries for Saving Mercy from Psalm 119
From death to life, from lost to saved, from bondage to deliverance, from captivity to redemption, from guilty to acquitted. All these requested for mercy granted through the death of Jesus on the cross.