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Jun 1

Growing Old Graciously by Jared C. Wilson

I want to finish strong. Don't you?

Dec 23

The 2017 FTC Book Awards by Staff

Introducing the first annual FTC Book Awards!

May 29

The Orphan, the Church, and the Pastor by Todd Chipman

In aiming to exemplify hospitality to orphans, pastors are given the unique opportunity of leveraging their influence to fulfill James's biblical ideal of pure and undefiled religion.

May 9

I’m Listening, Sam by Mike Leake

Hang in there, Sam. The church has been through some pretty dark times, but she’s beautiful.

Mar 30

3 Reasons Young People Leave the Church by Jason K. Allen

70 percent of 18–22 year-olds stop attending church for at least one year, and a majority of 20 year-olds leave church, often never to return.

Dec 1

What’s the Buzz About Churches and Sending? by Zach Bradley

"Sending" is churches’ God-given birthright.

Jun 8

Preaching Like A Boy Band Trying To Play The Blues by Jeff Lawrence

When we preach in our own strength, it is easy to come off like a boy band in a self-focused, over-choreographed performance. But if we pretend to have it all together, we rob our people of the comfort of the gospel.

May 7

Why Plant a New Church in the Bible Belt? by Jeff Lawrence

I heard it again. This time from a pastor who remarked that we don’t need church plants because we have great churches here. This wasn’t the first time I’ve heard this claim, and it won’t be the last. It’s a good reminder that we must continually cast the vision for why new churches are needed in the Bible Belt.

Apr 7

Gospel-Centrality Beyond the Buzzword by Elyse Fitzpatrick

Elyse Fitzpatrick is a popular conference speaker and author and one of the leading voices in helping the evangelical church apply the gospel to all of life. She was recently kind enough to answer a few questions for For The Church on the importance of gospel-centrality and some of the alleged perils of it too.
