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Day 22 – Unity in the Church

Series: 31 Prayers for Pastors 

by Staff October 22, 2022

”I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment.”
– 1 Corinthians 1:10

Day 22 – Unity in the Church

The world is a divided place in nearly every sphere of life. One of the ways the church can be a city on a hill is by its unifying spirit. That’s not to say there aren’t disagreements or hard decisions, but that the demeanor of the pastors and congregation seek unity and peace. Pastors play a significant role in exemplifying and leading their church towards unity.

As you pray for your pastor today, consider praying for him in these ways:

  • Personal spirit of unity
  • For a life of the fruits of the spirit
  • A church that desires unity and peace among one another
  • Ability to see the Gospel above all and pursue it above preferences

Prayer Prompt

Lord, I pray that my pastor (for a church member)/ I (as a pastor) will display a spirit of unity, peace, and love as he leads Your church. May he lead graciously in seasons of disagreement or indecision. Give him a people who desire unity and a love for the Gospel above all…

*These prayers are a part of our series of prayers for pastors during Pastor Appreciation Month. A new prayer will release every morning throughout the month for pastors and their members to reflect on and pray.