Interpreting the Bible in 3 Simple Steps
Whether you're formally trained in theological studies or you just want to learn how to read the Bible better, this post is for you. It provides concise questions to maximize your time in the Word.
How I Discovered True Masculinity
A man with same-sex attraction describes his journey to understanding Biblical masculinity. Through the relentless pursuit of men in his church, Matt Moore learned that manhood is obedience to God.
Social Media Resolutions for 2017
Samuel James lists 10 resolutions for the way we interact with others on social media. Though brief, each one is practical and establishes a loving nature towards others.
How A Little Philosophy Can Help Our Christology
"Done well, and within its limitations, philosophy—literally, φιλο-σοφίας, love of wisdom—can take commonsensical things that we use intuitively and formalize them into definitions with distinctions."