Links For The Church (11/5)

by Staff November 5, 2018

Slow Down, Weary Mom

Chelsea Stanley writes about the daily struggle of caring for children and how moms can grow in the ways that they die to themselves to love their kids.

Trendiness, Busyness, and Biblical Illiteracy

In this interview with Andreas Köstenberger, he shares what happens when people get bored with Bible study or don't make time to know God. 

Helping Women Who Struggle With Pornography

Many see pornography is a men's only issue. Stephanie Laferriere explains why this assumption can be harmful to women in the church, and shares three encouragements to pastors on how to help women who struggle with pornography. 

Why We Should Follow Paul's Example In Our Political Moment

"Christians are not a panicked people, a frightened flock, or an alarmed assembly. We are a calm community because we are children of the true King." – Patrick Schreiner